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Works for me, but very laggy. And I can't leave the instructions page.

(1 edit)

There's an issue with clicks not registering at some ticks. It was a cheap and fast workaround made because of lack of time for the game jam.  Spamming the book should close it at some point. The game is supposed to be "laggy", meaning that ships don't accelerate, they move a certain number of pixels at a time.

Oh ok, but it really gives an illusuion that it is "laggy", maybe you could add animations or something to fix that.

The game was made in two days and a half for a game jam and it ranked pretty low anyway. I'm sorry, I'm probably not going to update it for a while or even ever.

Oh that's sad :( Because it really seems like a good game if you maybe updated it, and more people would have played it if you could make it playable on browser. Because I really liked the game.